Category Archives: Rotational

Motion Control – Linear Focus Actuator from Equipment Solutions Features 200 Nano Meters Repeatability!

Motion Control – Miniature Linear Focus Actuator

motion control - linear focus actuator

motion control - miniature components

Forestville, CA, – — Motion Control – This LFA-0604 Linear Focus Actuator: Flexure guidance system, 6 millimeter clear aperture, 4 millimeters of linear motion, 90 G’s acceleration (no load), 200 nanometers positioning repeatability, non-contact electro-optic position sensor, direct SCA814 Servo Controlled Amplifier compatibility, 38mm x 24mm, 80 grams

Motion Control – Select from the Large Variety of Precision XYZ Axis Stages to Suit Your Specific Application from Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc. (OES)!

Motion Control –  XYZ Axis Stages to Suit  Specific Applications!

motion control - custom stages
motion control - stages - custom

Van Nuys, CA – — Motion Control – OES (Optimal Engineering Systems) has introduced a series of high precision, low cost XYZ positioning stages that can be easily integrated into new and existing applications. They are offered in 5 travel lengths for each axis, 50 mm (1.969 in.), 100 mm (3.937 in.), 150 mm (5.906 in.), 200 mm (7.874 in.), and 300 mm (11.811 in.). Any combination of lengths, motors, and lead screws are available.

Motion Control – Automation – NEW! YouTube Channel features High Precision Single and Multi-axis Motion Control Stages Stages from Optimal Engineering Systems!

Motion Control – OES YouTube Channel!
motion control - oes youtube channel

motion control - OES Components

Van Nuys, CA —– All Motion Control – Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc. (OES) has unveiled their new YouTube Channel  Checkout their new video featuring the AK110-10-15 Alpha-Beta Dual axis Goniometer Stage and other single and Multi-axis Motion Control stages.

Motion Control – High Speed, High Force, Sub-micron Positioning, Voice Coil Stage Features 20 mm Aperture!

Motion Control – Sub-micron Positioning Stage

Motion Control Miniature Stage
motion control - miniature components

Forestville, CA, —motion control  — High speed, high force, sub-micron, >300 nanometer (1.1811 10-6 in.) positioning resolution, cross roller voice coil stages are self contained, compact, and can be mounted in a horizontal or vertical axis. The high speed, 20 mm (0.7874 in.) travel, Equipment Solutions’ Motion Control VCS-2020 Voice Coil Stage features a 20 mm diameter aperture.

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